
Update: Coastguard Calls Off Sea Search Near Aberdeen

Aberdeen Coastguard has confirmed it has called off it's sea search off the coast of Aberdeen.

A spokesperson for Aberdeen Coastguard has confirmed that after extensive searches of the Aberdeen coast, they believe the matter to be a false alarm and have called off the search.

The search was initiated after an automated alert was received from a Personal Locator Beacon that broadcasts on an international emergency frequency.

The Coastguard also asked all vessels in the area to check all POB were accounted for.

After an initial sweep of the area by Aberdeen Lifeboat and a joint sweep of the area with both Aberdeen and peterhead lifeboat, the spokesperson said they were satisfied that there was nobody in the water.

Earlier today when discussing the alarm an MCA spokesperson said: “It was set off by a device they might have on a life jacket but we received no voice calls, no radio transmissions and so no location details are there.

“It’s probably a maximum of a few miles off Aberdeen

“It could potentially be a faulty piece of equipment or something’s been set off by mistake or someone’s gone over board.'

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